Clearing Your Cache

Huh? What is a cache? A cache is a space on your computer, where the internet stores files so that it doesn’t always have to go up to the web server to get the file. This makes your web site run a lot quicker. Usually it’s a good thing. Except when it is not. Often…

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How to Use FTP to Transfer Files

First, what is FTP? It stands for File Transfer Protocol and it is how you transfer files from your computer at home up to a web server. Since we work in a cloud editor, you do not need to know how to use this for LabCatsCoding classes. But there are times when it comes in…

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Web Safe Fonts

Sans-Serif Serif Monospace Cursive Fantasy Arial Times Andale Mono Brush Script MT Impact Arial Black Times New Roman Courier New Comic Sans MS Luminari Helvetica Times Courier Chalkduster Verdana Didot FreeMono Jazz LET Trebuchet MS Georgia Monaco Blippo Gill Sans Palatino Lucida Console Stencil Std Noto Sans Bookman Marker Felt Optima New Century Schoolbook Trattatello…

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